We ensure Sustainability through Recreation of existing resources and bringing Innovation in the daily lifestyle of downtrodden and socially deprived people so that they can live a Joyous life and find Opportunities everywhere with Never-failing and Integrity behaviour.
Angargaria SRIJONI Siksha Niketan is a non-profit making voluntary organization registered in 02.02.1999 under Societies West Bengal Act XXVI of 1961. It was formed with a mission of holistic development towards the weaker section of the society especially for women, who are economically and socially deprived for ages. ASSN took the challenges for social and economic development through the activities like MSME training, education and health related activities for their sustainable livelihood development.
To build a happy and prosperous society through the overall development of people especially women and children with their active participation and full strength.
 Holding sustainability by conservation of nature and natural resources.
 Upliftment of down trodden people.
 Making people financially independent.
Honesty & Ethics:
 Transparent procedures, unique practices and responsibilities
 Equal and fair opportunities
 Sustainable living
SRIJONI ; the land of Creativity
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