Angargaria Srijoni Siksha Niketan (ASSN) is proud of having a very strong Executive Committee. The members of the committee have the talent and vast expertise in their own field of work. All the members have a very deep involvement with the social development sector. The team is a combination of members from the diverse field of work which gave ASSN a very comfortable feeling for running the social development works very effectively and smoothly. The following are the honourable members of our Executive Committee

Mr. Udayan Sarkar
He has more than two decades of experience in the development field. He is a BE (Civil), MIE (I), CE and a successful businessman by profession. He possesses good expertise in the areas of leadership, management education, organizational development and human resource management. He is responsible for overseeing and maintaining relationship between the organization and different stakeholders. He has been associated with the organization since the year 2000.

Mr. Nikhil Roy
He possesses professionalism in Photography which he uses to apply in documentation of different project activities. Creation and extending of photo gallery keeps an extra value to the organization in website updating and enriching annual reports. He is associated with the organization since 15 years.

Mr. Purnendu Garain
Secretary & CEO
He is the founder of the organization. His academic background is from the field of engineering. He possesses a diverse and wide ranging experience and knowledge of managing organizations. He has the expertise in Soil & Water Conservation Techniques, WADI & other Micro Enterprise Development Projects. He is the key person for maintaining relationships with the donors and government Departments.

Mr. Prabir Hembram
Assistant Secretary
Mr. Hembram has a good knowledge for tribal development projects and programmes. He is serving the organization through his established rapport with the tribal folk in the project operational areas.. He is serving the organization in steering the Tribal Development Projects.

Mr. Avijit Garain
Mr. Garain has a good knowledge for Micro Finance Activity. He has acquire skill in community mobilization for organization development.

Mr. Rahul Mondal
A young active social worker engaged in this development field since long time. He has acquired skill in community mobilization for organization development at community level with the diversified trainings and exposures in different agencies.

Smt. Archana Mondal
A young active social worker engaged in this development field since long time.