We are Taking Small Steps to Make

Better Living for Backward People

Angargaria Srijoni Siksha Niketan (ASSN) is a non-profit making voluntary organization registered in 02.02. 1999 under Registration of Societies West Bengal Act XXVI of 1961. Initially, it is formed by the initiatives of few dedicated local youths of village Angargaria under Md. Block of Birbhum District with a mission of holistic development of the weaker sections of the society.

Vision : People living in a harmonious peaceful just society.  

Mission : Organization is committed to work for the underprivileged by undertaking sustainable development programs with support from Government and other external agencies.

Goal : Empowerment of women, men and children of the downtrodden communities for increased quality of life.



Years of Services

About our History

Our Success Story



  • Emerged as a voluntary organization named – ANGARGARIA SRIJONI SIKSHA NIKETAN on dated 12.05.1995 to start activities with an Art School


  • Established linkage with Bangiya Sangeet Parishad


  • The organization is registered under West Bengal Society Registration Act, 1961 on 02.02.1999


  • Came in contact with NABARD being nominated as a Social Mobilizer for Tangsuli & Nimdaspur Watershed Development Projects. Formation of 100 numbers of SGSY groups.
  • Conduct Krishi Mela & Agriculture Training Program through District Agriculture Department
  • Various training programmes organized with support from District Horticulture Department and attached with Nehru Yub Kendra
  • First phase of SHPI with 100 SHG formation and bank linkage with support from NABARD


  • Formed 150 no of SGSY groups. Organized Krishi Mela through Agriculture Department. 100 no of SHG are formed through NABARD and established Bank linkage.


  • Second phase of SHPI with 200 SHG formation and bank linkage with support from NABARD


  • ASSN has been awarded “Best NGO for promotion and linkage of SHG” for the year 2007-08 by NABARD. Secretary of the Organization visited Bangladesh to know about Micro – finance.


  • Micro Enterprise Development Program was taken up by the Organization with support from NABARD


  • Micro Finance operations initiated. Office set up for Micro -finance at Md. Bazar block.


  • NABARD entrusted the organization to work as a PIA for implementation of Nimdaspur & Tangsuli Watershed Development Projects


  • Integrated Tribal Development Project, WADI – I initiated at Md. Bazar block


  • Integrated Tribal Development Project, WADI – II started at Md. Bazar block. Branch Offices opened at Kedarpur & kapashdanga in place of Md Bazar block.


  • “Srijoni Green Producer Company Limited” under Section 7 of the Companies ACT 2013 and rule 8 of the companies (Incorporation) rules 2014 was registered with active support and guidance from NABARD
  • Integrated Tribal Development Project, WADI – III started at Nalhati block
  • Branch Offices opened at Seorakuri & Makdamnagar for Micro-finabce operations.


  • Program intervention with SHG bank linkage into a New State – Jharkhand with support from NABARD. Project Office opened at Ranishwar of Dumka district to work for Jharkhand.
  • Swachha Bharat Mission Program launched in support with Md. Bazar Panchayat Samity – successfully constructed 580 sanitary latrines in 14 villages of Md. Bazar block in two years.
  • Our organization is entrusted by NABARD to play the role of POPI (Producer Organization Promoting Institutions) for formation and nurturing the Producer Organization in the district of Birbhum.
  • 40 Farmers Clubs are connected with the farmers’ producer organization to form a Farmers Club Federation Trust named as Srijoni Uttaran Farmers Club Federation Trust acknowledged and backed by NABARD as a Producer Organization.


  • Branch Offices opened at Kunuri for Micro-finance operations.
  • Project Office opened at Dubrajpur block.
  • NABARD sanctioned Watershed Development Project (Capacity Building) for Dubrajpur block.
  • NABARD recognizing for the best performance – the first prize award for TRIBAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2016.
  • Integrated Tribal Development Project, WADI – IV started at Murarai block.
  • NABARD engaged the organization for Muster Trainer to carry out the work for “Jal Doot”.


  • Organization is again thankful to NABARD for rendering appreciation in notable work done by SHG promoted by ASSN during the year 2017.
  • ASSN is over grateful to NABARD for recognizing the best performance – the first prize award for TRIBAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2017 also.
  • Project Office opened at Pakur district for Jharkhand.
  • Formation of 28 Farmers Clubs have been sanctioned from NABARD (JHRO= 20 & WBRO=08).
  • NABARD supported MEDP for 12 women SHGs on Kantha Stitch, Agarbati and Wool Knitting.
  • Organization received sanction for promotion of 5 FPOs at Md. Bazar, Nalhati, Rampurhat and Bolpur Blocks from NABARD.


  • Organization received FCRA Registration on 21.09.2018.
  • Project sanction received for Gundoba CBP at Dubrajpur Block from NABARD.
  • Sanction received from NABARD for Pre-CBP activities for Baramesa Watershed Development Project at Rajnagar Block.
  • Micro-finance activities expanded to Nalhati & Murarai blocks.
  • Sanction to ASSN for Implementation of Integrated Water Management Scheme (IWMS) under WDF in 5 villages (Balijore, Chakatla, Gujjishimal, Indarboni, Murlipahari) of Shikaripara block of Dumka.
  • NABARD sanctioned WADI project for Rampurhat-1 block.
  • Organization promoted FPO – “Srijoni Green” received prize from Hon’ble Agriculture Marketing Minister Mr. Arup Roy for its notable performance during the State Credit Seminar of NABARD.


  • Project Office set up at Pattabari under Shikaripara block, Dumka district, Jharkhand
    KfW Soil Project – SEWOH Phase II -Grant assistance for the Climate Proofing of Amjhari watershed in Kathikund block of Dumka district and Dholpahari watershed  in Saraiyahat block of Dumka district
    Micro  finance activities expanded to Ranishwar,  Jharkhand
    e-SHAKTI (SHG digitization program) support from NABARD in Birbhum district
    Office set up at Bandhwan under Purulia district
    NABFINS Limited / State Bank of India & Samunnati supported for Micro-finance activities
    NABARD supported Watershed Project initiated for Dhabani Watershed at Manbazar-II block, Purulia district
    NABARD supported Watershed Development Project -Capacity Building Phase initiated  in Pakur district
    NABARD supported Tribal Development Programmee – Wadi Project initiated at Rampurhat block, Birbhum
    NABARD supported Tribal Development Programmee – Wadi Project initiated at Maheshpur block, Pakur
    NABARD supported LEDP on vermi compost taken up at Ranishwar
    NABARD supported Training  LEDP in vermi compost organized at Ranishwar


Movement The organization is registered under West Bengal  Society   Registration


Sanction of grant assistance for 01 LEDP on Vermi Compost Production in Maheshpur block of Pakur district
Dharanipahar Watershed Project in Jharkhand, FSR submitted for Dhabani Watershed in Purulia district, Received FIP for Baramesa Watershed Project in Rajnagar block,
Empanelment of our Agency as a Cluster-Based Business Organization (CBBO). Received sanction to promote and handhold to 25 no. of FPOs.

We're Extending our

Area of Operation

Organization has concentrated it all activities in three districts – one at Birbhum of West Bengal and others two are Dumka and Pakur of Jharkhand.

Organization is covering more than 3 lakhs of poor households with its various activities in 11 blocks of Birbhum district mostly of which are tribal communities and Schedule Caste families. Organization has also started its programs in Jharkhand organizing nearly 9000 poor ST and SC families in Ranishwar and Shikaripara blocks of Dumka district and Maheshpur block of Pakur district.

Our Main Strength is

Management Information System (MIS)

For transparency and credibility ASSN has started to digitalize its whole operation to balance current trend of computerization and also in the process to make a paperless operation system in near future.

Organization has established an IT Department headed by Program Manager for progressing of computerization. They are preparing web based online software for its all operations. The Software capturing real time data from field level to Management level operation. The Software has defferent modules, such as MIS, FIS, HR and Inventory.

The excellent features of this Software are Strong Approval System, Funder or Lender Tracking System, Member Social Development Data Capturing System, Member Family Income Analysis System, Various type of MIS and Accounting Customize Reporting System for Monitoring and Internal Auditing also Reports for Banker and funder or lenders as per their needs.